Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Sam and I now have a joint blog! www.samandkylee.blogspot.com. I won't be using this account anymore, so check up on us there.

Friday, May 8, 2009


I've already accepted the fact that I'm the WORST blogger in the world! I'll get better I promise.

Wedding planning has been interesting. At first I was totally obsessed and wanted to get everything done FAST. I had to be told to mellow out a few times. The problem now is I'm so lazy I won't do anything! Lindsay and my mom had to have an intervention and sit me down and help me. Isn't family great?

We had our wedding engagements done on Wednesday! It was so much fun. I really enjoyed modeling. I was awkward at first but our photographer, who is the best in the world by the way, made me feel totally comfortable. Soon enough we turned into Zoolander and worked the camera. Just kidding. Check out her work here www.stacymariephotography.com. I highly recommend her! I am dying to see the pictures.

A big thank you to my friends and family who have helped me get my butt into gear and that have taught me about wedding planning. Namely Mom, Lindsay and Tara.

On another note, I get to pick up my dress today from the seamstress!!! Yay! We're on the downside of the roller coaster now folks.

I have a friend shower coming up on June 13th. I hope people show up to it. It's kind of my worst nightmare that people won't. Did anyone else ever feel that way? Any wedding advice I might need to know? Please comment.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

We're Getting Married!

It's finally happened!!! Sam proposed on Feb. 12th and I said YES! Yay! Here is the story. It is oh so entertaining.

Thursday was Burgundy and Trevor's wedding. I had invited Sam to go to the reception with me because I've been so anxious for him to meet my friends. 6:30 rolls around and I can't get ahold of Sam. He finally told me he had decided to stay late at work. I was so annoyed! Why would he stay late when he knew we had somewhere to be? Men! Anyway, we get to the reception late, which was fine. He met all my friends and they all thought he was great. (Who wouldn't?) Everyone kept asking when we were getting married and Sam kept making comments like "it's never gonna happen," and "maybe in 30 years." Needless to say, this bothered me.

We go into the ballroom as Burgundy is getting ready to throw her bouquet. Of course I just had to catch it. It went over my head and I Inspector Gadget grabbed it. The moment was in slow motion too. Then Trevor goes to toss the garter. Sam nabbed it with his super ninja reflex skills almost killing someone. And what does he say to me afterwards? "I shouldn't have caught it because now I'll have to propose someday." Mean.

We head to my car afterwards and are going to meet Cait and David at Wingers. My annoyance had built. Sam says, "lets go to my house. I want to drive my car." I said, "why?" He said, "Because I love my car." I said, "I bet you wish your car caught the bouquet."

We get into his car and Sam asks me to hand him his chapstick out of the center console. I lift it up and see a ring box! I stared for a second and then slammed it shut. "Oh my gosh! He forgot it was in here!" I thought to myself. Sam told me to open it and I was scared! I told him I thought he was joking. I thought it was all a scam. I opened the box and after a few minutes of staring he remembered to as those musical words, "will you marry me?" I said, "you're not on your knee," followed by "did you ask my dad?" (by this time i was crying like a baby.) Sam said yes, and so I said yes and started to sob. He asked if I was happy or sad. Haha. I was so happy!!! I couldn't stop smiling. My anger and annoyance was gone. Thankfully. By this time Caitlyn was calling me to see where we were. She was the first person I told, but she apparently already knew. Sam is like a kid on Christmas. He couldn't keep his plan to himself! (Sam had picked out the ring after work, that's why he was late.)

We went to my house and told my family and they were all SO excited!! I won't forget that feeling of total excitement and happiness mixed with the "oh my gosh my life is changing" feeling.

This wouldn't be so exciting if our friends and family weren't so over the top excited for us! Thanks to everyone who has supported us and been such great examples. We love you all!!

We will be married JULY 1st in the SLC Temple! Mark your calendars! It's gonna be a party.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

You're My Inspiration

I can't believe how busy I've been lately! Working two jobs is stressful at times, but I enjoy it. I would like a little more time to work on projects though. I've been in my new apartment for almost 8 weeks now, and I still have lots to do! I bought an old scary wingback chair at the DI that has "good bones", so I'm going to reupholster it. I've never taken on such a big project before, so I keep procrastinating. I keep walking by it thinking, someday! Maybe it will be this weekends task.
This chair by Anna Maria Horner was my inspiration. Now if only I had an endless amount of fabric...

Monday, November 17, 2008

Tooth Paste for Dinner

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tagged. Finally.

The rules are: Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself. Tag 7 random people at the end of your blog. Let each person know that they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

here goes:

1- I think cats are okay and everything, but I would never own one under any circumstance. Well, I did own one once. My aunt gave it to me as a gift and I think my mom let it run away. It peed in her closet. Anyway, I think they're mean. They always look like they're planning a way to ruin your life. I know there are exceptions, but they are few and far between.

My point exactly.

2- Peter Pan is my favorite Disney movie of all time, but I don't like to watch it because it makes me sad. 3- I hate the Times New Roman font. It makes me want to fall asleep. I wonder why it's the default font on everything. I much prefer Verdana.

4- I love love LOVE One Tree Hill. It is the greatest show in the world. It is entertaining without being sleezy or lame. The drama is practical and amazing. James Lafferty isn't to bad to look at either.

5- I love Maverick frozen yogurt. Sometimes I like to go get it because they let you make your own cone! Can you believe that? It's a lot of fun. I'm still perfecting my cone making skills. I've made many ugly cones.

6- I cannot fall asleep without rubbing my feet together. I have tried, and it's not possible. It makes me sleepy.

7- I find that if I get cranky, it's because I haven't listened to music. It calms me down. It also inspires me to be creative. What I would do without it, I wish to never find out.

I tag Sherree, my mom, Lindsay and Taylor.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I'm back! For good this time.

You'd think I'd be a better blogger seeing as I don't have a whole lot going on. I guess that's just it. I never have much to blog. I'm going to be better now though. Promise!

This weekend Sam and I went out to Gardner Village. By some inexplicable miracle, I had a half day off work. This NEVER happens, so I took full advantage. The weather was amazing and for the first time, it felt like autumn to me. It was so crowded there! Stroller mayhem.

We saw this rad owl. I think it was Sam's favorite part of the day. It's nice to have someone who enjoys the same things you do. He's used to me dragging him into boutiques and craft stores to get ideas on things I can create. It's fun to have an artists input. I found a pattern for a cute Amy Butler bag that I'll be making this week. Yay! I love projects. I have tons to do! I have to finish our halloween costumes too! Pictures to come.

Also, if you're into music, check out Simple Times by Joshua Radin. It's super chill and fun. You won't be dissappointed. Probably anyway.